And so it is, the sweetness of longer days and blooming flowers call forth summer. Each summer has its own story of adventure for all of us. What will this new season bring for you? As I shared with those attending the first beach yoga class of the season, I recently read an article that inspired my summer mantra: Be Open to Surprise. My own sweet summer story began nearly 6 years ago… when I met Jerry for a first date outside the Good Karma Cafe in Exeter, NH. I never thought I would attempt an on-line dating service, let alone meet him on, but I was surprised. As many of you know, we recently got married with family and friends bearing witness. Although some family members could not be present for our special day, they were with us in spirit. There have been many wonderful surprises in the months leading up to the wedding and in the month that has followed. Everything from sunshine on May 18th, to smoothly landing home after several weeks with backpacks in tow. The surprise of many miles hiked, meals shared with friends, sacred moments, and unexpected downpours all combine for a sweet start to summer.
So today is the summer solstice AND the International Day of Yoga. Hmmm. Today is also Nel’s birthday and Tom’s birthday… both beings of radiant light.
“ Make use of the International Day of Yoga to explore different dimensions of yoga. Yoga is not just about twisting and turning. Yoga means to exist in union with the rest of creation”. – Sadhguru
Yoga offers a sweetness of its own. How has yoga impacted you? Your relationships? If we think of yoga as a meditation where we allow everything, expect nothing, and see each moment as divine, there is nothing but sweetness. Bring your yoga with you all summer long; indoors and out. Do yoga on road trips, campouts, in the backyard or abroad.
When expectations fall away and we realize we are not in control (yikes!), there lies the opening for a psychedelic surprise; for the nectar of Samadhi. Beyond what we can imagine, yield to the surprise in each moment. May your summer be complete with sunrises, storm clouds, insects in action, the smell of fresh cut grass, barefoot walks, ice cream cones, sand between your toes, outdoor dining and the scent of peonies in bloom. Let yourself be in union with all of creation.
On this summer solstice, this International Day of Yoga, this longest day of the year – may you be bathed in light. May your sweet summer begin with your own long list of adventures and surprises.