Where is the love?

                 Sheltering in place has given most of us the opportunity to slow down. Even those of us still working, the pace is different and there are new rhythms, new routines, new ‘normals’.In slowing...

Savasana (shavasana): The Sabbath of Yoga?

Have you seen the t-shirts that announce savasana is why I come to yoga? The first time I saw the saying, it made me laugh and then gave me pause. Is that really what people want when the come through the door? Granted, I realize we all NEED a little more savasana in...

The Yamas, Niyamas and my teacher…

We are winding down the series on the Yamas and Niyamas. May  the pearls of wisdom received along the way remain with you; may we reflect together on the poignant take aways. Throughout these weeks of revisiting this part of the 8 Limbed Path, it has...

Sweet Summer…

And so it is, the sweetness of longer days and blooming flowers call forth summer.  Each summer has its own story of adventure for all of us. What will this new season bring for you? As I shared with those attending the first beach yoga class of the season, I...